Title: Skulpturel filtning (Sculptural felting)
Publisher: Høst & Søns Forlag, Copenhagen, 1999
ISBN :87-14-29479-6
Skulpturel Filtning (Sculptural felting) has many instructive drawings and photos and it describes a number of new felting techniques that I have developed since the last book. The book has 69 pages.
The book is in Danish, but an English translation (written by Patricia Spark) is available as a booklet. Please be aware that you will need the original book to make sense of the translation booklet.
- Relief technique The relief is made of sculptured wool that has been felted down on a background.
- Trees and stumps The trees are wrapped around a sculptured bundle of wires made massive or made with templates.
- Picture technique Instructions on how to make a landscape and a face.
- Marionetdoll technique. The dolls are felted on a skeleton of wire.
- New gnoms.
- Developing the soft sculpural doll. The technique has been improved and there are now a number of new possibilities and at the same time the technique has been made easier.
- 3D felting using templates This technique has been revolutionarily developed and is now used for animals as well as dolls and gnoms.
- Jewllery felting.
- The felting needle is a very good tool for nearly all the techniques and the book describes how to use it.